
Standalone ScriptWordPress Plugin Use the popup on any web pages. How to do it? Make sure that webpage has DOCTYPE. If not, add the following line as a first line of HTML-document. Make sure that website loads jQuery version 1.9 or higher. If not, add...

Green Popups philosophy: each popup is a set of elements. There are no primary or secondary elements. All of them are equal. Even main widow box is a regular rectangle or image. Keeping this idea in the mind, allows to design unique popups with various...

All popups can be reached through Left Side Menu “Green Popups >> Popups”. Plugin goes with 12 different demos. You can create your own popups or use our Popups Library with over 200 already created items. List of popups is organized as a table with...

Click on Popup Elements Toolbar to add time picker to the popup. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain group of properties...

Click on Popup Elements Toolbar to add date picker to the popup. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain group of properties...

Click on Popup Elements Toolbar to add select box (drop-down list) to the popup. To achieve its properties just do right click over element and then click Properties. All properties are organized into 5 groups: Basic, Style, Data, Logic and Advanced. To view/edit certain group...

Each popup consists of popup elements. You can add as many popup elements as you need and configure their properties. If you want to add some element to the popup (for example, input field or button or something else), just click relevant icon on Popup...

You can use your own JavaScript-code for some popup events. It doesn’t mean that native JavaScript handlers are replaced by yours. It means that your JavaScript-code is executed together with native handlers. To enable Custom JavaScript Handlers, make sure that you activated appropriate module. Go...

Green Popups can send SMS to specified phone numbers. It is done through SMS gateways. To enable this feature just click button on Top Toolbar, select Integrations tab and create integration with SMS gateways. You can customize integrations and use conditional logic. Important! If you...

After successful popup submission user can be requested to pay some amount via certain payment gateway. To create and configure payment gateway just click button on Top Toolbar, select Advanced tab, click Payment Gateways and create as many gateways as you need. Important! If you...