Inline Content Locker

Hide important content using inline popup and display it to subscribers only

About Inline Content Locker

Inline Content Locker is an add-on that allows you to hide important content using any inline popup, and display it to subscribers only. You can use any popup as opt-in inline locker. All you need to do is to wrap protected content with shortcodes .... If people want to view this content they must submit popup’s form. After submission all hidden content become visible. This add-on works with WordPress version of Green Popups only and requires Green Popups version 7.0 or higher to be installed.


Below are some demos. You can submit the form to view the content hidden behind it.

This content become visible when you submit the popup’s form. Although, you already did it. Otherwise how you can see these phrases. 😉


This content become visible when you submit the popup’s form. Although, you already did it. Otherwise how you can see these phrases. 😉


This content become visible when you submit the popup’s form. Although, you already did it. Otherwise how you can see these phrases. 😉

Buy Inline Content Locker!


Please read documentation regarding using Inline Content Locker Add-On.